Saturday 27 November 2010

Halloween Week

Here are some videos of our Halloween activities. This is a month ago now, but it took William this long to upload the videos.
The first one is my favorite because it has Konoka the five year old howling like a wolf.

This video is just some general clips from halloween at Let's English. There is the eyeball spoon race, and the jellybean guess game, and constructing Halloween cups. Also, there is Konoka the five year old pretending she is a wolf.

This is the spider walk. Each time had to get as many beads to the other end of the room. It never went quite as planned but everyone had fun!

This is a pretty common Halloween game. Spaghetti = brains, grapes or quails eggs = eyeballs, kiwi skin = human skin, sausages = fingers.

Instead of pin the tail on the donkey, for Halloween we did this. They have a game like this in Japan, so everyone knew what to do.

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