Wednesday 1 September 2010


On Wednesday My first class is at 3:00 and William's first class is at 4:20. Starting next week he will go to the kindergarten school at 12. So, his day will be very long.  I have a break from 6:30-8:45. Will finishes at 6:30, so we like to grab something to eat.

William came later so he brought the camera. On the way in he was greeted by one of my junior high students. His name is Katsutoshi.
Katsutoshi is the one doing the peace sign. The other one is his friend.
A little about Katsutoshi....Well, he's a very funny can you not like him...just look at his picture. Although he is the source of problems in JH class. He likes to talk the entire class in Japanese. When I first started teaching the two tables were facing each other so that they could look and talk to each other and ignore their fabulous teacher, which is me. I need attention, lol. Also last week he thought it would be funny to hide my pens in a game while my back was turned writing on the board. I thought I was going crazy.....but the next day when I pulled the game out there were both of my pens.....I knew they were up to no good, lol.

After all of that, I decided that I should change the placement of the desk as well as have Will come into my class. It's fortunate that he is available when that class takes place. We learned in our Oxford Seminars class from our wonderful teacher, Laura, that desk placement and seat assignments can be crucial for a good classroom. Turns out that moving the tables and assigning seat were a HUGE help. Also Will was able to give a little extra attention to the student who needs it the most. He also likes Queen and video games.

Now back to the point of this blog. We decided to go to ramen for dinner. Ramen is a noodle soup that is not very much like very cheap packets of dried noodles you get in America. Obviously that's where the noodle packets gets the name, ramen. It is very delicious and has vegetables and meat. We had a big bill and we were afraid it might too be to big for the ramen shop to change it. So we decided to go to Seria the 100 yen shop which is like the Japanese Dollar Tree.
It's so wonderful, i love that place!
Will's been into yo-yoing since he found a yo-yo at school. Yesterday he broke the yo-yo while trying to "walk the dog". So, we decided to buy him a new yo-yo and also a little rug for the bathroom.
yay! a red I look crazy!
On the way to ramen there is a restaurant called Big Boy which is American....It's really funny that it's here.
You can't really tell but on the inside of the shop it says "hamburg" instead of hamburger.

Now here's the Ramen shop. I don't know what it's called.
yay for ramen!
Here we are in the shop.
I am so ashamed that I am doing a peace sign. Boo!
I love this picture you can see the guy in the background firing up our ramen!! oh yeah. We were the only ones in there at this time :)
They give us a pitcher of water. how nice!
By the way you take your shoes off and sit on the floor. It's very nice and relaxing. We are sitting on traditional tatami .
Our meal is served. We both had soy ramen. It's the best ever. I wish I was eating some more right now!! It's very filling and the bowls are huge! It only cost us ¥1300 (less than $15) for the two tipping in Japan and no tax!!!!


Anonymous said...

mmm looks so good!

Nicole Woods Campbell Simkin said...

thanks! it was awesome!